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There's Room At The Top

Updated: Sep 19, 2023

The first issue of this Newsletter is titled “Get Started.”

Please take a moment to read it if you're struggling to get your project launched.

The point of the article is that some people fail because they never begin. The ones who are winning are no smarter than those who don’t start.

They differ in one key area that anyone can duplicate: They take action!

Their actions create momentum. And momentum produces a life of its own that when nurtured, can lead to stratospheric results.

Case in point–this Newsletter.

Not yet having the stratospheric results, but just wait … 😉

Three weeks into launching the Newsletter I was approached by the local rep of a national organization who asked if they could syndicate my content to their members.

I’m not certain where that will go. But here’s what I’m sure of–it couldn’t happen without me pressing the publish button.

Around the same time, I connected with a colleague who had been running private business groups on LinkedIn and Facebook.

We partnered to consolidate those groups into a new private LinkedIn group, and launched it!

After several weeks, we decided our timing was off and eventually closed the group. But we took a shot, and we learned a lot.

Observe a couple of things.

(a) Getting started is not a guarantee of success. But never starting is most certainly a guarantee of failure. You can't accomplish what you never try.

The group was set up to foster communication with members, build relationships, network, and provide value to each other.

These are worthy aims, but challenging in the execution.

Are there groups on LinkedIn thriving at this goal? Of course there are. Our inability to grow our group was not predictive of anyone else's results. Groups are thriving.

I still believe in the power of getting started and I still believe in the power of partnership.

The entrepreneurial road is paved with challenges. And you can try and go it alone in business. But collaboration has incredible mathematical effects. It can 10X, 100X or even 1000X whatever you’re trying to do.

For me, partnering and collaboration is a superpower and a secret weapon.

If you feel stuck, ask yourself the following questions.

Who can you work with to multiply your efforts that you aren’t working with right now? Who is in a complementary industry or position that you can partner with to create mutual value?

Think seriously about it.

Give yourself 15 minutes with a blank sheet of paper and start writing.

This is a worthwhile exercise.

(b) We didn't quit although the launch failed. We both pivoted in our businesses and we've been pivoting since. That is also a big part of the journey.

In any worthwhile endeavor you will encounter unexpected challenges. I wrote about this a few issues ago in my article entitled, "Life Punches Back."

That's just the truth. Once you step into the ring of life and begin slugging away, life has a tendency to punch you back.

Life won't lay down for the person who can throw some good punches. It only respects the man or woman who can also take some, and keep coming.

And although our LinkedIn business group idea tanked at the time, we did learn some things from our audience.

When we surveyed them about their top business challenges, they stated they were most challenged with:

✅ Client acquisition.

✅ Client retention.

✅ Branding their businesses, particularly on LinkedIn.

My guess is this data has not changed for most of our respondents. They are still struggling in the areas of business development and branding.

Who isn't? (Starbucks, maybe?) 😉

Now, take a closer look at the infographic of the mountain at the top of this page.

For every business owner who is struggling with one of the areas listed above or some other part of your business that’s not working, this image represents your opportunity.

According to this graphic, 50 percent of your industry is stuck in a comfort zone and another 48 percent are average.

Only two percent of your competition is winning!

What does this mean?

There’s room for you at the top!

You can skillfully acquire clients, retain them, and brand yourself on LinkedIn or any other platform you desire.

It’s all possible.

To do so, you need only do two things:

(a) Stop doing what the 98 percent do.

(b) Start doing what the two percent do.

End of article.

JK as the kids say (for those my age, that means “just kidding”).

Stop it.

You didn’t know. 😁

Getting back to my point…

The state of business online and offline has left a Huge Gap for anyone wanting to lift their business prospects to the next level.

To begin attracting your ideal clients and retain them while building your brand, jot down these 3 things and start doing them.

Show Up. It’s a cliché to say that “You’ve got to be in it to win it.” But it’s only hard on your ears because it’s so true.

The reason many small businesses are not winning is because they don’t show up. Or when they do, it’s inconsistent, which produces the same result as not showing up at all.

You will never build a brand on LinkedIn or anywhere until you make the commitment, and you begin showing up consistently.

There’s too much noise out there. Popping in and out of the conversation will not work. The two percent have figured out how to get there and how to stay top of mind with their prospects and clients.

But it’s through dogged consistency.

I wish I had a magic bullet. But I’m here to tell you the truth and to help you, not to tickle your ears.

Show Out. Assuming that you begin showing up every day, what should you do to attract clients and build a brand?

I can’t fully answer that question in one article, but at least do this:

(a) Tell us who you are. Who do you serve? Everyone is struggling with something. Who can you help? How do you help?

(b) Don’t get caught up in what others are doing. The Bible says comparing ourselves among ourselves is unwise.

One of the biggest killers of your joy as a businessperson will be making unwarranted comparisons between yourself and others.

(c) Focus on being the best YOU. The marketplace rewards authenticity. It can sniff out a fake. You have an audience who wants to hear specifically from you. Not a made-up version.

(d) Give way more than you take. Your brand really isn’t about you. It’s about your customers and their aspirations. You’re just a vehicle. So, focus on them, and stop pushing yourself to the forefront.

Show Them. People are searching for answers. If you’ve already solved their problem, tell them how. What did you do? How can they do it and receive the same or better results?

Teach them how, and you will win their trust, and potentially their business.

Teach them with:

(a) Your social media posts

(b) A podcast

(c) Live broadcasts

(d) A Newsletter … 😉

(e) An online community (Hey, this still works for many)!

This is how the two percent do it.

And there’s never been a better time to jump in!

The tools to execute all of the above FREE of charge have all been created within the last 15 years or so.

Here’s a Big Disclaimer.

Look again at the infographic with the mountain image at the top of this post.

It states, “The climb is hard.”

I didn’t say doing this is easy. It is not. But it can be done.

The 98 percent have created ample room for you at the top!

Infographic credit to Alek Angelov 👊🏽


PS. Click the links below to check out some of the ways we can work together.

I'll see you back in your inbox next Monday!

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